
Feeling of Being - Lucy Schwartz

A-水塔先生 、:

平淡如水的钢琴开场,17秒的舒服的开唱,一直到“Feeling of being , How still the night  , Feeling of being   One little light“好惊艳。整首歌几乎全部钢琴伴奏完成,仿若多次打磨过的舒服嗓音轻轻唱出心底的那些思绪,像在云层中忽上忽下的漂浮,又像黑暗中淡淡的那点光在扑闪。


Bet you if you sink

You’d swim a little further

And I bet you if you cried

You’d understand me better

So I take a little time just sailing down the river

And I’m throwing out my line to see if I can catch the

Feeling of being

How still the night

Feeling of being

One little light

When I close my eyes

I hear the water lapping

On the side of the boat

